My place to rant or write about things I don't discuss with my kids - which means most of it will be about their father (L.), who I divorced in Feb. 2011 after fighting over it for over two years, and court stuff. I thought the fighting ended with a final decree. It does not.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Singles Scene

I went to my very first singles activity on Sunday. It was a fireside, which was nice. I was able to sit and listen to a nice speaker without any interference from small children. Or fighting children. I even had a few people from my ward show up, so I even knew a couple of people. I was surprised that no one introduced themselves to me, however. I did expect a little more friendliness toward a new face. Perhaps everyone was new, I wouldn't know, and I did not introduce myself. Too shy, too insecure. Once the speaker was done, I felt awkward, out of place. I don't want to "hit the singles scene". I've done that already. At this point of my life, I am supposed to be well past that, not starting all over. Yuck. One of the ladies from my ward was upset afterward. She is also recently divorced, not by her choice. I think she was hoping for more than she got. She began to cry a little because there were no cute guys her age and she doesn't want to be alone for the rest of her life. I don't blame here there - neither do I! But I'll be ok if I am.

In other news, an old friend of mine from high school got married again over the weekend. She has only been divorced five months and married someone we both went to high school with. I'm concerned for her simply because it seems so fast. Surely you don't heal from a divorce in five months. I think I would be ok event though my divorce has only been final for three months, but I was also separated for over two years previous to that. Like 2000 miles away, separated. I've had some time and distance. I hope she's ok and that the new marriage works out. There is no way around it - divorce stinks.

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